
Business and Arts & Culture Translation

High-quality translation services are used by customers in Japan and overseas for a diverse range of applications, including business writing, diplomatic documents, and academic materials. We flexibly configure the translation process to propose optimal services for the customer’s specific needs.

Fields / Documents handled / Languages supported

Outlines the characteristics of Simul’s translation services, including fields covered, the main types of documents handled, and languages supported.

Service Plans and Rates

Explains the characteristics of our three service plans, recommendations on how to use them, rates, and services that can be combined with translation.

Service flow
(Business and Arts & Culture Translation)

Explains the service flow for translation services, from the customer’s inquiry to our proposal, estimate, translation and quality check, delivery, and confirmation of the translation.

Examples of services provided / Customer testimonials / Translator profiles

Outlines recent projects, customer testimonials, and comments from translators.

Simul International

Three Specialty Fields

Business management

From CEO messages to press releases, board meeting materials, contracts, and other external documents to meeting materials, minutes, training materials, and other internal documents, we translate all types of writing related to corporate activities.

Disclosure and IR

In the field of company information disclosure and investor relations, where disclosing information in English is becoming increasingly important, our dedicated teams meet customer needs in every aspect of the process, from scheduling to process management, resource management, and quality assurance, providing high-quality English translations with quick turnaround of shareholder meeting notices, securities reports, earnings summaries, integrated reports, and other documents.

Arts & Culture

Translators with strong research and writing skills meet the needs of customers, who include universities and other education and research institutions, local governments and other public bodies, as well as art museums and science and history museums. We have an extensive track record in everything from academic papers to tourism-related materials.

Translator profiles

The following profiles are of Simul translators with extensive experience in translation services. The entire translation team is dedicated to continuing to supply translations that satisfy customers at even higher levels of quality.

Mari Tashiro

Mari Tashiro

English translator

Far from being a simple process of replacing words in one language with their equivalent in another, translation is an ongoing search for effective ways of conveying the intentions and nuances of the original, while thinking of where and how the document will be used. Along with accuracy, I try to create a translation that does not read like a translation.

Wataru Tenga

Wataru Tenga

English translator

Translation is the ideal career for me, combining my love of language and a lifelong interest in science, technology and other areas of knowledge.
Reflecting these dual interests, I entered university as a physics and mathematics major, but eventually chose to concentrate on language studies.
I am fortunate for the opportunity to pursue this career at Simul, whose coordinators and checkers are strongly committed to quality, and whose discerning customers demand and appreciate that quality.

Simul International, Inc. Translation Department

Our coordinators propose optimal plans based on the customer’s needs.

Tokyo +81-3-3524-3115
Osaka +81-6-6946-3970